2023best architects 24 | Mettenweg residence 2023best architects 24 | MFH Elisabethenstrasse 2023Competitionline Ranking, Architecture category 2018best architects 2019 2016BIM Prize 2016 2015Grisons Wood Special Award 2014German Sustainability Award 2014FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Germany 2014BDA Hamburg Architecture Award 2013Age Award 2012AIT Award 2011Regional Holcim Award 2011BMWi Award 2011Prix Evenir 2010Mention Prime Property Award 2008Marketing + Architektur Award 2008Prime Property Award 2008Gebäudetechnik-Award 2008AIT Office Application Award 2008Premio Internazionale Architettura Sostenibile 2007World Clean Energy Award 2007Contractworld Award 2007Daylight Award 2007Watt d'Or Award, Swiss Federal Office of Energy 2007Swisspor Innovationspreis 2007Schweizer Solarpreis 2006Reiners Foundation Architecture Award 2003Baupreis Zürcher Oberland 2003Architecture and Technology Innovation Award 1997'The Good Kitchen Award' Award