The symposium initiators and organisers 'the Association of German Architects (BDA) in the State of Bremen and the Bremen School of Architecture' seek to put the 'Sustainable Architecture' issue on the agenda in northwest Germany and to ground it in professional discourse.
The aim of the symposium is to envisage sustainable architecture as a holistic approach that can deliver high quality, user-friendly solutions with respect to ecological, economic, and sociocultural factors.
The event provided a survey of the current criteria for sustainable architecture, the latest concepts for its evaluation and certification, and the state of debate on the topic. In addition, various approaches to sustainable urban planning were presented and discussed in the light of case studies, as were sustainability-oriented architectural and structural engineering concepts.
Besides Transsolar, HafenCity Hamburg and local authority Urban Planning Departments, among others, Rudolf Trachsel of BGP took part in the symposium and delivered a lecture on 'Sustainable Architecture as epitomized by the Eawag Forum Chriesbach'