Renovations HPT, Hönggerberg campus, ETH Zurich
The HPT building complex is one of the first to be completed on the Hönggerberg campus of ETH Zurich planned by Albert Heinrich Steiner. The ensemble, which is listed in the inventory of the preservation of monuments, consists of three interconnected volumes. The task includes the interior renovation of the south wing and the office extension by Broggi Santschi, the foyer in the connecting building between the south and main wing, and a few renovations in the workshop wing.
The project is characterized by the respectful handling of the building fabric and the "Steiner skeleton" without compromising on the quality of stay or aspects of sustainability. Attractive meeting and workspaces, in which interdisciplinary exchange is promoted, are in harmony with optimized operational processes and today's thermal and fire protection requirements. So that the research work is not restricted, only the south and office wing affected by the renovation will be closed during the renovation phase, the main and workshop wing will remain in operation.
Client: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich)
Planning community: Bob Gysin Partner BGP Architecten ETH SIA BSA, Ghisleni Partner
Civil engineer: Synaxis, Zurich
Building technology: Meierhans + Partner, Schwerzenbach
Sanitary planner: Bösch sanitary engineers, Dietikon
Building automation: IBG Engineering, St. Gallen
Refrigeration technology: SSP Kälteplaner, Lucerne
Laboratory planner: Aicher, De Martin, Zweng, Zurich
Fire protection: HKG Engineering, Rotkreuz
Building Physics: Bakus Building Physics & Acoustics, Zurich
Sustainability: EK Energiekonzepte, Zurich