Multi-generation house, Neubad, Basel
Young and Old Under One Roof
The new building acts as an intermediary between built-up urban space and the more open pattern of development to its rear. Towards Holeestrasse, the gap in the block perimeter is filled, matching the height of the neighbouring buildings. On the courtyard side, the magnificent mature trees have inspired an articulated volume that not only allows their retention but also provides the setting for a green oasis with a recognisable identity. The Dorenbach stream is renatured as a feature that adds value to the development as a whole.
Inside, a variety of flowing spaces connect the house's lively street side with its peaceful garden side and activate the outdoor areas. The public facilities have a welcoming character, while the corridors function as more than just circulation space. By offering seating areas and other features, they create an atmosphere that encourages contact between the generations.
At the heart of the house is the child day-care centre, which is situated between two nursing care units on the ground floor and opens directly onto the village square. The floors for residential care offer an intimate, domestic ambience with a variety of views outdoors and visual foci indoors. Circulation loops with alcove seating invite residents to linger and socialise, while the clear layout facilitates orientation and offers long-term flexibility of use.
Commissioned study by invitation, 2nd prize 2015
Costs: CHF 45 mn
Client: Oekumenischer Verein Generationenhaus Neubad
General planner: Bob Gysin Partner BGP Architekten ETH SIA BSA
Energy and sustainability: EK Energiekonzepte, Zürich